Ruth Restrained Page 11
‘Wonderful,’ he murmured.
An impact exploded against her taut skin, and she cried out as a searing pain burned through her flesh. The smacking blow had landed on the fleshiest part of her right buttock. The biting sting turned to heat, penetrating the deeper layers of her muscle as it spread downward and outward. But before she could fully adjust to this new sensation there came a second shock equal to the first, this time on her left cheek, and again she cried out.
There was no respite. Jack landed one blow after another across her cheeks with his open palm, spreading the heat over the whole of her tender hemispheres. Yet after the first few smacks the shock lessened, and as the heat burned deeper the hurt began to dull, replaced by a pure yet beguiling pain that made her pussy feel warm in a totally new way.
‘Four more!’ Karly’s command echoed eerily through Ruth’s trance-veiled mind. ‘Give her four hard ones right on her cunt.’
Before Ruth could think what this meant the first of the four blows had landed, and the shock was beyond description. She thought she must surely die as pain ripped through her most sensitive place. Then suddenly her torment turned to lust and, amazingly enough, she was craving more of the terrible torture. Three more explosive smacks landed squarely on her labia, provoking her clitoris into a frenzy of feeling. A moment of total silence enveloped her as the fire in her crotch blazed, consuming her whole being. Then, as though she was surfacing from a deep dive, noise enveloped her again and she opened her eyes. Karly was offering up her pussy again, and she extended her tongue to meet the sweet gift of the other girl’s moist labia.
‘Now make me come,’ Karly ordered, ‘or you’ll get more of the same.’
Ruth’s tongue probed the succulent folds as she felt a cockhead brush over the searing surface of her bottom. She almost screamed beneath its touch, but steeling herself, she licked and sucked at Karly’s juicy delights. The cock was exploring, moving purposefully up, and anticipation fed her imagination as the smooth tip traced its way up her valley to hover over her anus. She struggled against her bindings, grimly seeking to thrust herself up in welcome. She flexed and stretched as the hot tip pushed against her, pressing hard. She felt the reflex resistance building in her sphincter, and then her inner muscles relaxed as the bulbous tip drove in through her ring. She thought she was splitting as the pain of the penetration merged with the echoing agony of her freshly spanked bottom, and in that moment she was transported to another dimension of ecstasy as the cock sank deep and she was filled to the brim.
Ruth drove her tongue deep into the luscious young vulva against her face as she felt a fingertip touch her clitoris. The orgasm that instantly burst through her was immense, plunging her into a maze of joy. She had crossed the threshold to this paradise just once before and ever since then had ached to rediscover the entrance, and now, at last, it was found. And on the tip of her tongue, another climax was vigorously echoing her own spiralling joy.
Chapter 9
It was in the early hours of the morning that the party finally broke up, leaving Ruth dishevelled and weary, and mentally shocked by her own lascivious behaviour even as a strange peace filled her soul. She had been penetrated in every conceivable manner, and as to how often, she had lost count.
In the taxi she was thankful to be put back in a kneeling position, which was preferable to sitting on her smarting bottom, and she gladly submitted to the suction cups’ seductive pleasures while Elsa and Morgan gently caressed her.
Back at the farm, Cooper finally claimed his dues. She spread herself across the bonnet of the car, parting her legs with exhausted enthusiasm. She was ready for another truly vigorous fuck, and she had no qualms now about taking his huge erection into her well-honed pussy. His penis thrust swiftly back and forth inside her, raising her steadily to yet another dazzling climax, after which she slumped over the car, embracing it dreamily.
‘That was priceless,’ Cooper commented, as he straightened his clothing.
Elsa helped Ruth up. ‘Well done,’ she said. ‘That’s the first time I’ve ever heard Cooper offer any sort of praise. Now it’s bed for you. Have a shower, then sleep tight and don’t get up until you’re ready.’
‘So, how did you enjoy being a sex slave, Ruth?’ Judy asked. They were eating brunch on Elsa’s patio. Ruth had not risen until midday, shortly before Nick and Judy arrived. After the previous hectic evening, they all felt comfortably lazy.
‘It was good,’ Ruth replied demurely, a bit embarrassed by her behaviour in the light of day. ‘I really liked it.’
‘Enough to do it again?’ Judy demanded gently.
‘Oh yes, although I’m not sure I’d want to go as far as Zelda did. Can you tell me more about Conrad?’
‘You’ll meet him later,’ Elsa announced. ‘He’s invited to dinner this evening.’
‘He’s one of our colourful local characters,’ Nick elaborated. ‘He has numerous business interests, all very profitable. His full name is Conrad Hesseltine, but he likes to be known as Conrad Stein, or simply Conrad. It’s pure affectation, really.’
‘Zelda seems devoted to him,’ Ruth observed with that curious touch of envy she experienced the previous night watching the master and his slave together.
‘Devoted is an understatement,’ Judy commented wryly. ‘Zelda is a fanatic submissive. She uses Conrad just as surely as he uses her. We’ve known her for years. In fact, Ruth, you remind me so much of Zelda when she was still discovering her preferences.’
Ruth struggled to mask her feelings, not wanting to confirm Judy’s suspicions until she was certain of them herself. Observing Zelda had affected her deeply, and the current conversation was striking vibrant chords inside her.
‘Hey, that reminds me, we haven’t seen the result this morning,’ Judy declared. ‘Come on, Ruth, show us.’
Ruth rose shyly from her seat and turned, lifting her shift. She knew from inspecting herself in the bathroom mirror that there was a residual pinkness across her bottom. More directly, she could feel it each time she sat down. It made her feel quite proud.
‘It suits you,’ Judy said. ‘You have such a pretty bottom. It just cries out for decoration.’
Ruth cautiously resumed her seat. ‘The first smack was hell. The second wasn’t much better, but after a few more the pain diminished, and I actually began wanting to be spanked and hurt.’ She looked at Elsa. ‘You set that little scene up, didn’t you? I had expected it would be you or Morgan who spanked me the first time.’
‘We thought it would add a little extra spice if you were humiliated by a stranger,’ Elsa explained.
‘Sometimes I think you are simply evil, Elsa Fredericks. That girl was terrifying, and as for her brother...’
‘Karly is only a Thorpe by adoption,’ Elsa disclosed. ‘Actually, she’s Conrad’s daughter.’
Ruth gasped. ‘Now that I can believe, and more. She’s malevolent.’
‘There was a student took a summer job in Conrad’s shop eighteen summers ago. They had an affair, and the naïve girl thought it was sissy to take precautions. Conrad arranged for the baby to be adopted by his elder sister, Jack Thorpe’s mother. It was all very amicable. Conrad and the mother really care for each other, although Conrad would never marry. Karly lives with her mother for half the year in Martinique. She’s rather spoiled. And if you’ve any more questions about Conrad, you can ask him yourself over dinner.’
Ruth shivered in anticipation.
‘But now we’ve the whole afternoon ahead of us.’ Elsa changed the subject. ‘Do you want to have some time alone, or would you like to play?’
‘I’d like to be in role again,’ Ruth said at once.
Judy reflected. ‘I’ve always thought a naked girl getting dirty while doing heavy manual work is a real turn-on. And if she has to stop to be fucked once in a while, it makes for really earthy eroticism.’
looked enquiringly at Morgan.
‘The load of logs that was delivered last week needs to be stacked for the winter,’ he said. ‘That should keep her busy for a couple of hours.’
Judy clapped her hands. ‘Excellent!’ she squealed excitedly. ‘I shall enjoy this immensely.’
Ruth felt her heart leap as the now familiar knotting took hold of her belly.
‘So strip,’ Elsa snapped, assuming command.
Ruth had momentary misgivings. Entrenched inhibitions had first to be quelled, but the moment she felt the air on her naked skin, all her doubt vanished. The lure of pleasure was, as usual, defeating her reserve, and she was coming to accept her natural wantonness as a mysterious form of innocence.
Elsa sent her indoors to put on some shoes, and upon her return provided her with working gloves. She then led her across the yard to where a heap of logs had been tipped. The pile was at least three metres across and half as high. She was given a wheelbarrow, and shown where to stack the wood against the house. Before she could begin, however, she had to move chairs out into the yard so Judy, Nick, Morgan and Elsa could all watch her in comfort.
She was soon perspiring under the hot sun and drinking freely of the iced water provided. The outer logs were dry and dusty, while those within the pile were damp and covered with lichen. The dust clung to her moist body, and the damp greenery smeared her skin. In no time at all she was filthy, and growing increasingly randy. Piling logs on the barrow could not be done without stooping, so there was no way to avoid an erotic display. Therefore, she was not surprised when, after delivering the third load, she returned to find Nick waiting beside the heap.
‘Bend over and touch your toes,’ he commanded.
She obeyed instantly, parting her legs to present her pussy to the seated trio.
‘Isn’t she delightful?’ Judy crooned. ‘That lovely spanked bottom, and the prettiest labia I’ve seen in years, not to mention that perfect little bottom hole. Which will you choose, Nick?’
Ruth gave a delighted little wiggle of her hips, all modesty abandoned.
Nick did not reply immediately, taking his time to examine her closely. ‘I think I’ll use the moist one first and reserve her bottom for later.’ He discarded his cotton shorts and presented his stiff cock at Ruth’s wet threshold. She wriggled back upon him to be rewarded by the wonderful feeling of his hot weapon sliding smoothly into her vagina. She shuffled her feet, adjusting her posture to secure maximum penetration as he took hold of her waist, and began squeezing and milking his thickness as he eased in and out with a slow, smooth rhythm.
She sighed. This was wonderful! Being firmly shagged in the open air as a respite from work was one of the nicest scenarios she had ever experienced.
Nick began building his rhythm, moving faster and harder until she thought she must faint from the pure pleasure of his throbbing erection sliding smoothly in and out of her eager slot. Being vigorously fucked was the best thing a girl could experience and her mind began to drift, slipping into a hazy dream state where all consciousness was centred between her legs. Then the dream climaxed and she floated from peak to peak as a succession of minor orgasms possessed her.
Nick slowed down, and then stopped. Very deliberately he disengaged his erection from her clinging pussy, and as the rim of his knob popped free, Ruth experienced yet again the forlorn emptiness. He smacked her bottom. ‘If you want some more,’ he said sharply, ‘go earn it.’
Ruth thought there had never been a more pleasant way of doing work. Neither Nick nor Morgan allowed themselves to ejaculate, and she suspected a purpose lay behind this control, but it was not revealed until the stack was removed. The logs had been tipped on bare earth, and now all that remained was a lake of glutinous mud covered by broken bark and twigs. She was set to clear the biggest pieces of debris and the mud got everywhere, covering her hands and feet and splattering into her hair.
‘You look like a scarecrow,’ Elsa commented. ‘But you’ve earned your reward, so lie down and see what Santa brings.’
Ruth spread herself on the ground, laughing as she rolled in the soft, sticky ooze. Then a shadow fell across her; it was Nick coming to kneel between her legs. She opened to him, and directly above her face she saw Elsa crouching and extended her tongue, instinctively searching for the juicy bloom being offered to her mouth as Nick’s erection speared her. He began thrusting as she hooked her legs around him, and heedless of the rough ground beneath her, she rode him energetically while her tongue lapped and licked at Elsa’s fragrant feast. Her dominant friend began playing with her nipples, and by raising her arms she was able to reciprocate. Ruth was blissfully lost in a perfect, all-consuming world of pure delight, taking and giving intense stimulation with wholehearted passion and generosity.
If she was dirty before, then Ruth was decidedly filthy after Elsa and Nick’s tandem shagging.
‘You dirty little slut,’ Elsa teased. ‘Wash yourself off before you go into my house.’
Ruth obediently started to cast around for the nearest tap, when the jet of water hit her with surprising force, drenching her as Morgan, holding the hose, shouted with laughter. He walked around her, making her take the full force on her belly and breasts. The water played over her body, sluicing away the mud and dirt as she turned around and presented her bottom to the jetting stream, revelling in the hard feel of it between her thighs. Then she sank down onto her hands and knees and bared her sex to the scourging torrent. It hit her fair and square and its operator, rising to the invitation, throttled the flow to its sharpest. Ruth felt herself forced open as the cold torrent drilled her. ‘Oh yes! Oh yes!’ she cried in shameless ecstasy.
The hosing continued for some time, after which Elsa ran forward carrying a towel to swathe her in. Securely wrapped, she was then led to a proper, warm shower.
A short while later, naked and glowing with good health, Ruth was once more seated on the patio sipping a drink.
‘Did our party come up to your expectations, Ruth?’ Judy picked up the conversation they had been enjoying before.
‘It exceeded all my expectations, although, honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. It was much more than I imagined, though. I was a strictly once-a-night girl until Elsa revived my appetite, but even my recent excesses were nothing compared to last night. I’m amazed at my own capacity.’
‘It was more than just the number of blokes you took though, wasn’t it?’ Elsa contributed to the pleasant interrogation with an astute observation.
‘Why, yes...’ Ruth admitted, thinking about it. ‘I get a real buzz out of being restrained. The spanking was fantastic too. I was scared stiff, but afterwards I felt so good, and so strangely pure. And the humiliation seemed to sharpen the experience. This weekend has opened up whole new doors for me. I think... I think I’d really like to discover what it’s like to be a proper sex slave like Zelda.’
‘You really mean that?’ Nick asked with quiet intensity.
Ruth nodded. ‘Last night was a revelation. If I could afford it, I’d stop working and find someone to take me on as his fulltime slave.’
‘Being a fulltime slave doesn’t necessarily involve that kind of commitment,’ Judy pointed out. ‘Zelda has a career as well as a husband and two children.’
‘But I thought you said Conrad had never married?’
‘Nor did he. Zelda is Conrad’s slave, not his partner. I admit, it’s not a conventional arrangement, but Zelda’s husband fully approves of his wife’s status. He even encourages it.’
‘That’s amazing... I was thinking, it would be much easier if I lived up here,’ Ruth mused out loud. ‘If only there was some way to preserve my career and be close to the action at the same time.’
Morgan’s face lit up. ‘I know of a smart little business in York,’ he said. ‘There’s a gallery and an associated shop that sells fine art prints. Both properties are just yards apar
t on the main tourist trail. The owners are looking for a long-term partner who would develop the gallery side and eventually buy the controlling share. It would be just the thing for you, and right on our doorstep, so to speak.’
‘How much would they want?’ Ruth asked eagerly. The proposition was seriously tempting.
Morgan mentioned a figure, and her excitement died reluctantly. ‘No way, I can’t afford that,’ she said, feeling instantly deflated. ‘Even if I sold everything I own, I couldn’t come anywhere near that amount. Thanks for the suggestion, but I guess I’ll just have to keep commuting.’
‘Gracious, look at the time,’ Elsa started. ‘I must attend to dinner, and we’d better get our glad rags on. You’ll find something in the wardrobe, Ruth.’
Appetising aromas were floating from the kitchen by the time Conrad arrived. Casually dressed in a blue corduroy jacket with black trousers he seemed much less intimidating this evening, until Ruth looked up into his eyes. Gazing into those intense black pupils surrounded by dark chocolate-coloured irises was like gazing into infinity itself, and she instinctively averted her gaze. Seated as she was on Elsa’s sofa, the action brought her eyes level with his groin, and she found herself admiring the healthy bulge in his trousers.
Conrad took her hand, and kissed it gallantry. ‘Delighted to meet you, Ruth,’ he said. ‘It is a privilege to formally make your acquaintance.’ He spoke smoothly, in a cultured voice with only faint, lingering traces of his origins.
She lifted her eyes to his again, but was careful to avoid direct contact with them. Then her heart jumped in her breast as over his shoulder she saw Jack Thorpe enter the room.