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Ruth Restrained Page 8
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Page 8
‘You poor thing, so enveloped,’ she commiserated, stroking his tuxedo.
‘A discomfort I suffer gladly in the cause of chivalry, and it provides the contrast essential to enhance and dignify your naughtiness.’
They attracted immense attention as they entered the restaurant, and during dinner their conversation wandered over a range of topics, including work.
‘Your assessment of the two Parry pictures was excellent,’ Lewis praised her again. ‘Your analysis of his style and techniques was informed and thorough. With that level of expertise, you should be thinking of applying it to your own advantage. You should publish and gain recognition.’
‘Publish a book?’ Ruth gasped. ‘Not in your wildest dreams! I haven’t the talent to write an authoritative work.’
‘You certainly have the knowledge,’ he insisted.
‘If you say so, but I’d have to track down all the paintings, and they’re mostly in private hands, which creates special difficulties.’
He shrugged and sipped his soup from the ornate silver spoon. ‘Promise me you’ll think about it, Ruth.’
She took his hand across the table. ‘I promise,’ she assured him, ‘but right now I’d rather think about other things.’
After the second course she excused herself and went to the toilet by way of the foyer. In the hotel shop she bought some specific items and had the package sent up to the suite. Smiling happily, she then returned to Lewis.
‘Shall we take drinks in the lounge, or have something sent up?’ he enquired at the end of the meal.
‘Sent up, so we can enjoy every second of our time together. Do you agree?’
He did.
Inside the suite, she went and stood in front of the window, gazing out across the open countryside even though it was primarily invisible in the darkness. ‘This was where Lady Chatterley is set, isn’t it?’ she asked.
‘Lawrence was born in Nottinghamshire. You’ve read the book?’
‘Naturally. I think every teenager dips into it out of curiosity. It didn’t do much for me. I thought it a rather depressing tale, in fact.’
‘But it didn’t dull your appetite, did it?’ he teased.
She giggled. ‘Certainly not.’
He eased the dress off her shoulders and ran his hands down her naked body. Still framed in the window, she let him remove her silk panties and then her heels. He set them aside, and walked over to the bar. ‘What will you... hello, what’s this?’
She turned around. He had the package in his hands and was trying to guess at the contents by feeling it. ‘Something to play with,’ she replied suggestively. ‘Why don’t you open it?’
He tore carefully at the wrapping, and shaking out some chiffon scarves, shot her a quizzical look.
‘I’ll have a vodka and tonic, please,’ she said, ‘and when I’ve drunk it, you can use those to tie me to the bed.’
His eyebrows lifted. ‘You don’t waste time, do you?’
‘“Why put off till tomorrow something you can enjoy today?”‘ she quoted mischievously.
So, with a little improvisation Lewis managed to tie her to the bed using the scarves as bindings for her wrists and ankles. Her feet were spread to the lower corners and her wrists were fastened to a belt looped around the headboard fittings.
She lay still, exposed and vulnerable, her heart thumping as she gazed up at his naked body. ‘Blindfold me, please,’ she whispered. ‘Use the spare scarf.’
‘Are you sure you want me to?’
‘Don’t ask, please, it destroys the atmosphere. Just use me.’
Lewis obliged, quite inventively. She had expected him to leap on the bed and take her, but instead he began teasing her, touching her here and there. He played her body expertly, revealing his long and varied experience with women by bringing her to the verge of orgasm time and time again, until she was silently screaming for release.
‘Oh, for mercy’s sake just let me come,’ she cried in frustration.
‘No,’ he said firmly, and slapped her sharply on her wet pussy.
She went rigid, and then plunged into a whirling kaleidoscope of mingled pain and pleasure. She tried to protect herself by clamping her thighs closed, only to be frustrated by the restraints. Her scream as he slapped her pussy again was part agony and part ecstasy. She tugged wildly at her bonds and drove herself deeper into the vortex of conflicting sensations.
He did not touch her again until she had calmed down, and then it was with his cock. Kneeling astride her, he lowered himself and touched her navel with his helmet.
Her flesh seemed to ripple with delight, her throat crooning softly as he stroked her with his hot satin tip. He moved up, touching first one nipple and then the other.
Then he crouched over her face, brushing her lips and hovering over her while her tongue searched for him. He allowed her to lick his helmet, and then moved back down to her nipples and from there to her navel.
When the tip of his erection touched her clitoris, she thought she would explode with joy. Again and again he touched her there until she could bear it no longer, and then finally his rigid length spread her sex lips open and drove deep and hard into her body. He took all his weight on his arms even as he lowered his lips to hers and silenced her cries with a violent kiss.
Chapter 6
‘So, did you have a nice weekend?’ Janet asked eagerly.
‘Wonderful!’ Ruth exclaimed. ‘It was really two weekends rolled up into one, first with my friends and then a second one with Lewis.’
‘And judging by the sparkle in your eyes, he was very attentive.’
She blushed. ‘Actually, I feel a bit awkward, Janet. I mean, he knows I’ve not been celibate, but will he expect me to be faithful to him and him alone?’
‘Well, fidelity is the expected norm.’
Janet’s almost sanctimonious tone struck a chord in Ruth that sent her into turmoil. The mere concept of fidelity challenged the ultra-powerful instincts driving her to discard all conventions.
Janet, reading her perplexed expression, quickly apologised. ‘Sorry, Ruth, I was only teasing.’
‘Oh, that was horrid, Janet, you made me feel so guilty,’ Ruth playfully admonished the woman, relief making her feel more relaxed. ‘You see, recently I’ve been so sexually charged that I can’t refuse any offer that turns me on. I think perhaps I’m becoming a nymphomaniac, or something.’
‘You look perfectly healthy to me. That sparkle in your eye denotes a girl at the peak of her sexuality who is being fully provided for.’
‘But I’ve been experimenting widely, Janet. Do you think that’s wrong?’
‘Everyone has fantasies, so why should it be wrong to indulge them?’
‘Lewis has asked me to go with him to a charity dinner on Thursday.’
‘I know the one, you lucky girl,’ Janet said enviously. ‘That’s one of the biggest events of the year. Now, details about your weekend, please, and don’t leave any juicy ones out.’
‘It was a ploy,’ Lewis confessed when Ruth entered his office in response to his summons. ‘I just wanted to see you again. You look gorgeous.’
She smiled happily.
‘Everything you wear looks perfect on you, even formal business clothes,’ he added. ‘Which brings me to another point. I’d like to buy you something special for Thursday night.’ He cut short her protest. ‘I’m not trying to buy your affections, Ruth, just let me indulge myself by pleasing you. Go shopping, buy whatever you want, and send me the bill. Choose something that really does it for you.’
‘Please, Lewis, this is not how I want things to be between us,’ Ruth did manage to protest, albeit with little conviction. ‘Just let me buy myself a dress. I shall love you all the more if you do.’
‘Did I hear a certain word again?’ he asked soberly.
‘You did, and I mean it,’ she confirmed. ‘I’ll buy something very special, but let me pay for it myself, please.’
‘As you wish,’ he conceded, ‘but let me buy you lunch today, at least.’
‘I’m sorry, I can’t,’ she declined. ‘I have to meet a client in Bromley.’
‘Dinner this evening, then?’
‘I’ve another engagement, I’m afraid.’
‘Oh dear.’ He sighed dramatically. ‘Will you come and stay with me this weekend?’
She slipped her arms around his neck. ‘I really do enjoy being with you, Lewis.’
‘But I need to visit my friends again in Yorkshire. There are some critical issues I must sort out if we are to take this relationship forward. And I’ve arranged to prepare the Quincy collection next Monday and Tuesday so I can save on a journey.’
‘How would it be if I joined you up there on Monday?’
‘It would be lovely.’ She kissed him affectionately on the lips.
It was six o’clock when Ruth reached her flat. She went straight to her bedroom and hung her precious new outfit in the wardrobe before opening the post. There was a brief note from Elsa.
Your first try was very good. Since you are coming again, we think you will benefit from being under partial control all of the time. Therefore, from now on you must not wear trousers, shorts or tights without our express permission. Occasionally we might decide you should not wear panties, either. We’ll let you know when. Be good. Be obedient. Elsa.
Ruth swallowed hard and a tremor of excitement sprang up from her pussy that made her whole body glow.
The bedside phone rang, and she picked it up.
‘Tomorrow is a no panties day.’ Elsa’s voice travelled down the line. ‘Take them off now, and expect a parcel later in the week.’
Wednesday was long and tedious. Lewis was out all day and Ruth could barely concentrate on her work, pining for him on the one hand and longing after the exciting prospect of the weekend on the other.
In this charged atmosphere of inaction, Stanford’s invitation to an evening in Maidenhead was a welcome diversion, offering activity plus a bed companion to wile away a lonely night. Stanford was rather stuffy when he discovered she wasn’t wearing panties, and her explanation that she was trying to turn him on only partially appeased him. Their lovemaking was energetic, but something was lacking again, or so Ruth felt as she lay beside him in the half-light afterwards.
‘Stanford,’ she said softly, ‘will you tie me to the bed and fuck me again?’
The words took a moment to penetrate his torpor, then he sat bolt upright. ‘What the hell, Ruth?’
‘I just want to try it out and see what it does for me. Some men find it quite a turn on to tie a girl up.’
‘Well, not this man,’ he huffed. ‘What comes next, photographs leaked to some sleazy magazine unless I pay up?’
It was her turn to sit up abruptly. ‘How dare you make such a suggestion, even in jest? I think you’d better leave.’
‘I will, right now,’ he sulked. ‘What’s infected you, Ruth? What are these friends of yours feeding you?’
‘Just go, Stanford!’
‘You bet!’
She turned away on her side and pulled the covers up over her head. She heard the front door slam closed, and sniffed to hold back her tears – tears of anger.
Thursday was a better day. The promised parcel arrived – a small oblong package. She cautiously slit the outer wrapping open while Gavin was in the loo. Inside, there was a sealed cardboard box bearing the legend, To be opened on Saturday. Be obedient.
Ruth gazed at the box with bubbling curiosity. What were its contents? What humiliations and excitements did it contain? The temptation to peep was very strong, but she resisted. Resolutely she consigned the box to her case, her libido simmering vigorously. Her pussy was hot and the familiar hollowness in the pit of her stomach betrayed her prurient desires.
Lewis took her to lunch, and afterwards they made love in his office. Then he sent her home to prepare for the evening.
He arrived promptly at eight, as arranged. She released the lobby door to let him up, and when she admitted him to the flat his eyes practically burst from their sockets.
‘Oh Ruth, you are exquisite!’ he gushed.
Her hair was immaculate, and her outfit was stunning. It consisted of a clinging ankle-length skirt of sheer silk dyed a delicate shade of viridian green, and worn over a tiny pair of slightly darker panties. Above it she wore a long-sleeved shirt of the finest tulle the colour of mint, and four closely spaced buttons fastened it across her cleavage. Below, the edges flared away to expose her navel, into which she had cemented a tiny brilliant. Gold pendants swung from her ears, and on her feet she wore the lightest of high-heeled sandals, three tenuous golden straps framing her delicate feet.
Lewis took her in his arms and kissed her carefully, so as not to smudge her lipstick, and she could feel his manhood, hard and eager where he pressed himself against her. The warmth of his hands on her skin through the diaphanous material seemed to brand her, and immediately moistened her tiny panties.
She felt totally gorgeous as her boss, looking very handsome and distinguished himself in a formal tuxedo, escorted her to the car. The light evening breeze caused the delicate material of her skirt to alternately float around and cling to her thighs, and the reception was everything she had imagined it would be. Mixing with so many famous people was exciting, especially when she sensed from the attention she received that she was physically on a par with the best of them.
Afterwards, as they waited in the foyer for their taxi to pull up, she felt intoxicated by the experience of being so gloriously exposed even while her ankle bracelet never ceased reminding of her new chosen destiny.
‘You carried that off to perfection,’ Lewis whispered in her ear. ‘You were magnificent. Did you notice how everyone’s eyes followed you all evening? The paparazzi were giving you plenty of attention, too. Expect calls from the society glossies tomorrow.’
‘I don’t care about that.’ She snuggled against him as he slipped a protective arm around her shoulders. ‘I just enjoyed being with you.’
The taxi bore them to Lewis’s suburban home – a discreetly detached house nestled in a modest garden. Ruth was bubbling with curiosity to see how he lived, and she was not disappointed. The house was comfortably furnished with a studied economy refined by excellent taste. She settled down in the elegant sitting room while he went to make coffee in the kitchen, but then she got up restlessly and followed him in. The brightly lit space was ultra modern.
She slid up behind him and eased off his dinner jacket, dropping it over a chair. Then she put her arms around him and rubbed his nipples through his shirt while at the same time pressing her breasts against him. ‘I feel distinctly overdressed,’ she whispered, kissing the back of his neck.
‘Easily remedied.’ He turned, undid her four buttons, and the filmy tulle slipped from her body like mist. His hands supported her pert breasts while his thumbs stroked her jutting nipples. ‘You are incredibly beautiful,’ he murmured.
She closed her eyes and held her breath, trying to extend the moment. Never in her life had she felt so secure and peaceful as she did now; it was as if she had been created to feel like this. The gentle passage of his thumbs across the sensitive tips of her nipples was heavenly. She tilted her head back, parted her lips, and ran her tongue seductively over her white teeth. His mouth promptly closed over hers, inviting her tongue in, and when he closed his teeth over it gently she thought she would faint with pleasure. They kissed long and deeply as with one hand she stroked the firm contours of his back and with the other sought his manhood, cupping him through the material of his trousers.
His fingers closed over the waist fastening of her skirt, but sh
e checked him. ‘In a little while,’ she said. ‘What I’d like us to do now is take coffee into the living room just as we are. I feel deliciously decadent, and I want to savour it. Then afterwards you can take me to bed.’
He smiled, a generous, understanding smile, and turned on the percolator.
They took their coffee with him sitting in an armchair and her kneeling and leaning against his leg, gazing up at him adoringly. From time to time he reached down and caressed her breasts, making the light in her eyes sparkle.
‘I’d like to make you truly happy, Ruth,’ Lewis said quietly.
‘You are, believe me. Am I pleasing you?’
‘More than I deserve, but that doesn’t mean I can’t crave more. I’d like to spend more time with you, Ruth. Must you go away this weekend?’
‘I must,’ she said firmly. ‘There are things I have to be certain about, Lewis.’
‘What sort of things, if I may ask?’
‘Aspects of myself,’ she said cryptically. ‘What makes me tick, how I’m put together, and so on.’
‘It sounds seriously profound. And these friends of yours, they’ll help you in this quest for self-understanding?’
She nodded.
‘I’d like to meet these people who exercise such an influence over you, Ruth.’
‘Why not? I’m sure something could be arranged this weekend.’
‘I have no desire to intrude, but I shall be privileged to share every aspect of your life.’
She knelt facing him, and taking his hands placed them beneath her breasts. ‘Like you share my bed? I think it’s time.’
He undressed her tenderly, an act of worship, and laid her across the large mattress. She reclined luxuriously against the pillows, watching him undress. He came to her, kneeling manfully between her thighs, his cock large and virile and pointing straight at her sex. She breathed deeply, coveting its magnificence, but he bent and kissed her labia, teasing her lips apart with his tongue. Then he licked up to her belly and the glittering stud in her navel as his fingers caressed her pussy, causing her to writhe in pleasure. He reached forward, gripping her wrists, and pinioned her arms against the pillows. She felt his power capturing her and twisted to escape it, but he was too strong and she happily capitulated, lifting her hips to meet his. Finally, the tip of his erection locked into her eager, moist opening. She sighed. He pushed. She parted. His thickness plunged deep, spreading her open with its power and heat, and she was gloriously filled. A great wave of well being surged through her, and she made a token struggle against his hold on her as he buried himself to the hilt inside her.